Posted by mayankbpatel on 07/19/06 17:41
Where are the config settings located? Is this an *.ini?
I am able to run phpdoc -c makedocs.ini and produce the manuals for the
Do I need to define *.pkg files and such to make it work? I was under
the impression that a simple command line invocation with the source
file name was all that is required.
Richard Levasseur wrote:
> wrote:
> > Has anyone gotten PhpDocumentor from to work
> > from the command line?
> >
> > I run it on the examples directory like it is described in the
> > tutorial:
> >
> > phpdoc -t docs -f sample1.php
> >
> > but all I ultimately get is: ERROR: nothing parsed.
> >
> > I have tried older version of PhpDocumentor as well as the latest
> > 1.3.0RC6 release. All have had the same problem.
> It works for me.
> Verify all the config settings and such are correct, I suppose.
> Can't help more than that with the info you gave.
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