Posted by Chung Leong on 07/19/06 20:33
Manish wrote:
> The project I am developing doesn't involves database. I want to parse
> the mailbox file (.mbx) and store the summary in the text file for fast
> retrieval and display of information in the Inbox page.
> The sugegsted format are as:
> #1
> ID [4 bytes]: Subject [100 bytes]: To Address[100 bytes]: From
> Address[100 bytes]...etc...
> #2
> Instead of preassining fixed size to variable (as actual data may be
> much less or can grew to more), we can store the values continuously,
> seperated by some unique seperator (#|#, *#*, ...)
> 1324#|#Hi, How are you#|#me@google.com#|#you@google.com#|# ... and so
> on
> Which of these will be the efficeint one (as there will be frequent
> insert/delete/update of the individual information, eg. set message as
> read ..., delete message ..., new message ...)
> Also please suggest on how to determine the variable size (100 bytes as
> in #1), and assign the size to the variable accordingly and read it
> (differentiate multiple variables) when required.
> Thanks.
> Manish
That's the kind of project that SQLite was designed for. It's worth
looking into.
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