Posted by nkammah on 11/15/29 11:53
Hi all,
I am working on a project using atom feeds to report real time events.
It's working very good, but the number of events is quite important (
around 60 entries / minutes). I do not keep the data more than 1 week,
but still my feeds are quite huge. My point is anytime i receive an
entry, I have to load my feed ( I am using the ROME library in Java),
and loading such feeds creates heap size problems.
The alternative solution I may move to is to use the linking of feeds (
rel ="next" and rel = "previous"). However, I haven't found good ATOM
aggregator yet that support the linking of the feeds ( I am currently
using SharpReader). I am tracking 40 feeds and have a total of 250 000
entries for now ( among all the feeds)...sharp reader struggles a bit
now !
Do you have any advice?
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