Posted by Andy Hassall on 07/24/06 20:57
On 24 Jul 2006 13:36:08 -0700, "Mike Gaskins" <mbgaski@clemson.edu> wrote:
>I'm working on a web-based mail quarantine management system, and am
>running into some problems getting it to run the command to release a
>The main exertp of the script is below:
> echo "Releasing /var/amavis/quarantine/" . $_POST['release'] . " to
>user " . $_POST['user'] . "<br><br>";
> $command = "/usr/sbin/amavisd-release " . $_POST['release'] . " " .
> echo $command . "<br>";
> passthru($command, $return_val);
> echo "<br>" . $return_val;
>End script
>This command works fine from the command line, but won't run using this
>code. It comes back with a return code of 13 each time. I've also
>tried the exec and popen functions in place of passthru() with no luck.
> If it matters any, amavisd-release is an executable Perl script.
The meaning of return codes depends on context, but if it was raised by the OS
then 13 matches "Permission denied", and that seems fairly likely. The user and
environment will be quite different between your command line and the webserver
Andy Hassall :: andy@andyh.co.uk :: http://www.andyh.co.uk
http://www.andyhsoftware.co.uk/space :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool
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