Posted by jojo on 07/26/06 13:44
Els wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> seems that now I am the one who needs some advice...
>> I'm starting to design a layout for a website (which does not exist
>> yet). I just wrote the CSS and a HTML-dummy-page for testing it:
>> http://www.hafner-web.de/jojo/html
>> The problem is: I created a CSS class for external links, they show an
>> icon at the right, like the blue one in Wikipedia. It all works fine in
>> FF, but IE seems to ignore the background-repeat:no-repeat and it looks
>> like he is starting the image on the left instead of the right
>> (background-position: center right;)
>> The complete class looks like this:
>> a.external {padding-right:18px; background: url(external.gif) center
>> right no-repeat;}
>> I've used this before without any problems. I guess the answer is quite
>> simple, just something I overlooked...
> You have a more specific style in classes.css:
> .blue #content a.external:link.
> More specific overrides less specific, so just use that same selector
> for this background-image.
Yes, but this style is supposed to override the first one, it just
specifies an other image (different color), the position and repeat
should stay the same.
> Also, just url(external.gif) doesn't work, but
> url(../styles/external.gif) does.
It works fine I think. Did you have problems?
> No idea why, as it's in the same directory as the stylesheet.
Indeed. Really strange...
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