Posted by jojo on 07/26/06 18:51
Els wrote:
>>> Tested locally: in default.css, there is a 'background:none;' for all
>>> elements. no idea why it isn't overridden, but if you take that one
>>> line out, or change it to 'background-image:none;', the
>>> background-image is not repeated anymore in IE.
>> A very less specific selector (*) not overridden by a more specific one
>> (a.external)? Just strange... The image is displayed (so 'none' is
>> overridden in this case) but the repeat and the position isn't?
> It's weird - but then again, it's IE...
>> Guess it's some bug in the InternetExploder I never heard before, thanks
>> for pointing it out for me!
> No problem. Maybe there is something obvious about it somewhere, but I
> didn't see anything :-)
Fixed it, I just replaced the background:none; in default.css with
background-color:none; (That's what I want, I just thought it's possible
to set the whole background to none), now it works perfectly. Thanks to
Els for figuring out the problem and thanks to all the others for your
I changed the URL, too, so now Els should see the image, too.
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