Posted by Richard Levasseur on 07/27/06 02:05
bizt wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a PHP program on my webspace that I use to upload images. As the
> images are about 500KB each, I would like to create a preview thumbnail
> image with smaller image dimensions than the original.
> Now I dont know a great deal about image manipulation but heres how I
> would imagine it might be done:
> 1) The image file would be located on the server from the PHP script
> (eg. show_image.php - this would be called from the <img> tag 'src'
> attribute).
> 2) The image data would be extracted from the image.
> 3) The image data would be resized
> 4) The resized image data would be output
> Im seen something similar. Can this be done simply?
> Cheers
> Burnsy
Yes. You use the GD library that PHP has (usually, sometimes you must
recompile it in).
Here's a resize script i wrote a long, long time ago. Its the first
half of the script:
basically, you open the file, use copyresized, then output it. Not too
difficult. In fact, I think the PHP manual might have an example in
it, possibly in the comments somewhere.
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