Posted by Marek Kilimajer on 06/06/05 22:06
Clive Zagno wrote:
> the truth is Ive been developing on windows, because of some .net
> developments.
> Ive been starting most new projects as web applications and using
> php/mysql. On windows I used ultredit, then I found a product called
> phpedit, which I liked, now Im trying to move to linux.
> what I really want is a app that can do that predictive text thing, you
> know when it start showing me the possible php syntax as Im typing it
> in. Two reasons for this is it help with debugging as I get the syntax
> correct the first time and secondly I think its cool.
In ~/.vimrc:
" autocompletion for php functions
set dictionary-=/path/to/funclist.txt dictionary+=/path/to/funclist.txt
set complete-=k complete+=k
" check syntax of current php file
map <C-B> :w !php -l %<CR>
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