Posted by Kimmo Laine on 07/27/06 10:45
"R" <ruthless@poczta.onet.pl> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> I'm using eval and arrays in foreach and have trouble with adding
> elements
> to them - I'm talking about the '[]' operator.
> My code is:
> // creates arrays with the names of columns in keys array
> foreach ($keys as $k) {
> eval("\$$k = array();");
> }
$$k = array();
works fine, no reason to use eval.
> // fills dynamically columns' arrays with its values
> foreach ($array as $a) {
> foreach ($keys as $k) {
> // parse error
> //eval("\$$k[] = $a[$k];");
Again, just use:
$$k[] = $a[$k];
no eval needed here either.
> // works fine
> eval("array_push(\$$k, $a[$k]);");
And here too:
array_push($$k, $a[$k]);
> }
> }
> I used array_push and it works fine but...
Your home assignment is to study a wonderful language feature called
"variable variables":
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