Posted by Al on 06/07/05 02:35
RaTT wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I am currently creating a once off text parser for a rather large
> document that i need to strip out bits of information on certain
> lines.
> The line looks something like :
> "Adress line here, postcode, country Tel: +27 112233665 Fax: 221145221
> Website: http://www.urlhere.com E-Mail: info@email.com TAGINCAPS: CAPS
> RESPONSE Tag2: blah"
> I need to retreive the text after each marker i.e Tel: Fax: E-Email:
> I have the following regex /Tel:\s*(.[^A-z:]+)/ and
> /Fax:\s*(.[^A-z:]+)/ all these work as expected and stop just before
> the next Tag. However I run into hassels around the TAGINCAPS as the
> response after it is all in caps and i cant get the Regex to stop just
> before the next tag: which may be either all caps or lowercase.
> I cant seem to find the regex that will retreive all chartures just
> before a word with a : regalrdless of case.
> I have played around with the regex coach but still seem to be comming
> up short so i thought i would see if anybody can see anything i might
> have missed.
> any help most appreciated.
> Regards
> Jarratt
Add and "i" for case insensitive for all except the numbers type e.g.,
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