Posted by Richard Levasseur on 07/28/06 06:12
Shelly wrote:
> "Ivan Marsh" <> wrote in message
> > Sorry to jump in the middle of this but... no they weren't.
> >
> > C, the language that Windows was written in, is and has always been case
> > sensitive.
> Exactly.
> > --
> > The USA Patriot Act is the most unpatriotic act in American history.
> ABSOLUTELY!!!! Our "leader" has no regard for the constitution as he
> proceeds to trample on the 4th (illegal search and seizure) and the 1st
> (free speech) amendments and doesn't give a damn about habeus corpus.
> Shelly
The constitution uses capital letters.
I don't know if the Supreme Court cares, though.
Therefore case sensitivity is evil. Or not. Or something.
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