Posted by fsidler@nospam.gmail on 07/27/06 20:48
sloane.irwin@gmail.com wrote:
> I would like it to generate an error and have the key be unique,
> however I also want the user to be able to easily obtain the duplicate
> record. Once they try to submit that entry, if it exists I would like
> something like a box to pop up and say "A record with that
> Inventory/Serial number already exists. Click Ok to view this record,
> or click Cancel to return to the Enter information page.
So whats the problem?
Simply try adding the record. If a field is set unique and a matching
entry is already there, it will give you an error- Retrieving this
error, you tell the user that this name (or whatever it is) is already
taken, and at the same time read out and show the existing record.
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