Posted by Ian Davies on 07/28/06 14:19
I have a table with each column containing the following form objects -
combobox, hidden field, textarea, and tick box. I have created arrays from
each of these columns and now I wish to use the arrays altogether, taking
each array element in order to use in an sql statement
Does anyone know how to use arrays simultaneously
Array1 - 1,2,3
Array2 - text1,text2,text3
Array3 - 31,56,34
Aray4- 1,1,0
used in a loop to populate the following SQLs
SQL="UPDATE mytable SET fieldA=Array2[0], fieldB=Array3[0], fieldC=Array4[0]
WHERE Index=Array1[0]"
SQL="UPDATE mytable SET fieldA=Array2[1], fieldB=Array3[1], fieldC=Array4[1]
WHERE Index=Array1[1]"
for all the elements in the array
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