Posted by jallan on 07/28/06 15:24
Chung Leong wrote:
> Adam Harvey wrote:
> > How do you propose to deal with different alphabets and languages? It's
> > not uncommon for programming languages to allow variable names to be in
> > something other than US-ASCII -- indeed, this code (if saved as UTF-8, at
> > least; I can't vouch for other encodings) works in PHP, since it allows
> > variable names to include high-bit characters:
> The answer is: that's not a can of worms you want to open. If you say
> that it's desirable to support some non-Latin scripts, then you're
> commiting yourselves to supporting all non-Latin scripts. Suddenly you
> have to consider things like directionality: How does language behave
> when the code is written in Arabic? Something like
> ";5 =+ nulaam<-aklit$"?
There are not too many worms involved here.
See "Unicode Standard Annex #31: Identifier and Pattern Syntax" at
http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31 . See also the proposed revision at
http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/tr31-6.html .
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