Posted by J.O. Aho on 07/28/06 18:15
PSI_Orion wrote:
> I presume you can have the file anywhere as long as you reference the file
> by the full path.
Yes, thats true.
> in other words, I can keep it in the root path rather than
> in the includes path?
Yes, but it can be good to have a include directory, but keep in mind that
when you use relative paths instead of absolute paths, the path is always
counted from the main file
say the URL is: http://www.example.com/index.php
you have include files in a directory called includes
in the index.php you have
and you in mysql.php include another file, you still need to give the path as
if the include was done in the index.php, as with other words
includes/anotherinclude.php and not just anotherinclude.php.
> I do a result check (with the code you supplied) and
> I do get a result of 1 for the include, it's just that it can't see the
> function when it calls it for some unknown reason.
Do you have error messages suppressed?
Set in your php.ini
error_reporting = E_ALL & E_NOTICE & E_STRICT
display_errors = On
And avoid to use to many @, this way you will see what errors you get at once
instead of using a logfile.
As long as you don't use remote includes (not always enabled and don't work in
PHP for microsoft before 4.3.0).
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