Posted by Els on 07/29/06 11:08
dorayme wrote:
> In article <wi0a9pmnollh$.74lbwny0svbs$.dlg@40tude.net>,
> Els <els.aNOSPAM@tiscali.nl> wrote:
>> dorayme wrote:
>>> You are a good and kind man Adrienne,
>> I think you're missing some basic info about Adrienne :-)
> Like... er... his ... er her... I did think she was a she at
> first (ages ago), but something I saw made me think I was wrong
> So I was right but this was not good enough for me to be, I had
> to go on and make it wrong. My memory is of someone connected to
> the church, someone who did a site for his (?) church, am I
> confusing two people here? Or just misread something ages ago
> that is impossible to track.
Her church ;-)
> Thanks Els, I now wish to formerly apologise for this to
> Adrienne. I looked up a site that Adrienne made and it is very
> nice indeed. There are nice colours and she is a she and has had
> babies and at least I have in common with her that I have changed
> many nappies and I feel bad now and this is why this para is
> running on and on, out of a sort of nervous embarrassment...
> It seems to me to call for an apology. Who wants to be a man. Men
> are a great deal of trouble. I should know. They are the cause of
> almost every possible bad thing that is going on right now in the
> world and causing great suffering. If I was a man, I would be
> greatly ashamed of myself. If I was a woman, I would be greatly
> pleased with myself. (Hi Luigi).
> (BTW In this case my apology is sincere unlike when John Cleese
> was hanging upside down outside a window abjectly making a speech
> in A Fish called Wanda
Els http://locusmeus.com/
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