Posted by BODY on 06/07/05 14:18
Yes !
It works just fine thanks.
"Pr0 N00b" <nomail@mail.invalid> wrote in message
> BODY schreef:
>> hello,
>> I have an HTML form with a list of check boxes. The values of the
>> checkboxes are stored in an array :
>> <input type="checkbox" name=box[] value="VAL1">
>> <input type="checkbox" name=box[] value="VAL2"> etc...
>> I now would like to get all checked boxes value in a string to be sent
>> by mail.
>> I can read the array using : $MyVar=serialize($_POST['box']);
>> But the string I get is like: a:1:{i:0;s:5:"VAL1";}
>> not very useful.
>> Any idea to have it in a "clean" string"
>> Thanks,
>> Bruno.
> See the implode function
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