Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 10/17/38 11:54
John O'Conner <> scripsit:
> I've been told that I can no longer use pre-tags for code sample text.
> It's a bummer, but I can't change the decision.
Then ask the one who made the decision what you should use instead.
> My question is this: how can I duplicate the pre-tag functionality
> with other tags...
You can create a poor man's surrogate for <pre> using messy and nonstandard
<div><tt><nobr>first line<br>second line<br>...<br>last
with each occurrence of the space character replaced by . Awkward, is
it not? (The <nobr> markup is needed to prevent line breaks after hyphens
and possibly some other special characters.)
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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