Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 12/12/09 11:54
JMcC <jmccloughlin@hotmail.com> scripsit:
> Im just doing it the way I have been asked to do it..
You're new to Usenet, are you not? You are not quoting or paraphrasing to
indicate what you are responding to, and you apparently did not read the
answers comprehensively.
"Asked to do it" is a lame excuse. It's a wrong approach, and you should
tell that to your boss or client. Did you?
> I have been fiddling
> about with it and have figured out a way to generate new option boxes
So now you have managed to design something that is even more broken than
the previous approach: when scripting is disabled, the other menus are there
not at all, not as hidden via CSS (which could be overridden).
To summarize, you have found a non-solution to a problem that didn't exist
before someone got the idea of making just part of a form visible. Do you
really want to get help in polishing it, instead of finding a way to avoid
creating the problem?
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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