Posted by Dave Kelly on 02/26/09 11:54
I am administrator for a small website. We operate under the IRS title
for non-profit educational groups. We want the site to be open to
everyone to read to learn. http://www.texasflyfishers.org
As it now stands, anyone can read all the website. Only registered
members can post to the website. Anyone can download from the website.
We have a dues paying membership list that we would like to make
available to ONLY the names on the membership list.
This membership list comes to me once a month from the secretary in MS
access format. I load it into Open Office and save it out as PDF and
CVS. I use the cvs and a script to cut out the first name, last name and
email address for a demon emailer send list.
My problem is I don't know what to use for keywords to search the google
usenet groups. I tried the 3 words, html, security, password, and got
1,300,000 hits. Much to many to read thru. I added membership to that
list and the hits dropped to 342,000. Still too big.
I've read some of the code on freshmeat. Not sure if it will work or can
be modified or not.
Does anyone know if what I have tried to describe, exists? Or something
Or is this one of those posts where I am too close to the problem and
not thinking clearly or left out some key ingredients?
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