Posted by Tony Marston on 11/17/89 11:54
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> Tony Marston wrote:
>> If you care to look back at previous posts in this thread you will see
>> where posters have argued the importance of different case in such
>> circumstances.
> I haven't seen any of these languages you talk about, in this thread or
> anywhere else. You made a claim - now let's see you back it up.
Do our own dirty work. It was definitely said in a previous post that some
programmers, by convention and not a language requirement, use different
case to help differentiate between constants, variables, functions and
methods. PHP makes it very easy to differentiate between those objects, so
the use of different case is irrelevant. Yet those same programmers are now
saying "what was a convention is now a rule", and I object to that.
Tony Marston
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