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Re: membership list security

Posted by Dave Kelly on 11/04/51 11:54

Dave Kelly wrote:
> I am administrator for a small website. We operate under the IRS title
> for non-profit educational groups. We want the site to be open to
> everyone to read to learn.
> As it now stands, anyone can read all the website. Only registered
> members can post to the website. Anyone can download from the website.
> We have a dues paying membership list that we would like to make
> available to ONLY the names on the membership list.
> This membership list comes to me once a month from the secretary in MS
> access format. I load it into Open Office and save it out as PDF and
> CVS. I use the cvs and a script to cut out the first name, last name and
> email address for a demon emailer send list.
> My problem is I don't know what to use for keywords to search the google
> usenet groups. I tried the 3 words, html, security, password, and got
> 1,300,000 hits. Much to many to read thru. I added membership to that
> list and the hits dropped to 342,000. Still too big.
> I've read some of the code on freshmeat. Not sure if it will work or can
> be modified or not.
> Does anyone know if what I have tried to describe, exists? Or something
> close?
> Or is this one of those posts where I am too close to the problem and
> not thinking clearly or left out some key ingredients?
> Dave

Never mind.
I found a group of words to put in the search box that produce some results.

Thanks for being quite so I would have to do my own work.

html access security code password -XP -microsoft -ms

sent me to
which has a lot of what I need to learn.




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