Posted by Lesley Blakey on 08/03/06 17:11
I am putting together a web site that will prodominantley use CSS rather
than tables. Most of the page design works well and everything is in place.
The link to the test pages is
The central main content block has a defined height and when the content of
the block exceeds the defined height the content flows as expected. The two
further boxes under this main content box, i.e. go to top and bottom menu
bar, are in absolute positions which is fine when the main content box does
not overflow. I reliase that the go to top and bottom menu bars should be
set as relative so that when the text exceeds the defined height in the main
central box the go to top and bottom menu bars will position themsleves
accordingly. However this does not seem to work.
You can see from the credits page that the main content box has overflowed
and at present the other two boxes are set to absolute, however when I
change them to relative they do not go into the correct position either.
I am using four different style sheets for the different text sizes and one
template for the whole of the site. I realise a work around would be not to
use a template and to use a different style sheet for every page but then
this would be cumbersome and defeat the purpose.
I am fairly new to web design and would appreciate any assistance available.
Many thanks
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