Posted by William Tasso on 08/04/06 00:06
Fleeing from the madness of the No thank you jungle
Charles Sweeney <me@charlessweeney.com> stumbled into
and said:
> William Tasso wrote
>> Fleeing from the madness of the No thank you jungle
>> Charles Sweeney <me@charlessweeney.com> stumbled into
>> news:alt.html,alt.www.webmaster
>> and said:
>>> dorayme wrote
>>>> In article <MrQ98131121791B6itsmeitsQ@QsFQDN.dyndns.org>,
>>>> »Q« <boxcars@gmx.net> wrote:
>>>>> Does clicking the page not work in your browser?
>>>> Define "work"
>>> Then pass it to the Inland Revenue.
>> Talking of the (spit) Inland (spit) Revenue ... there's serious debate
>> (in th UK) about parking 'fines' being in reality a revenue stream -
>> a regular 'hot topic' to use the modern idiom.
>> I'm sure we all put them down as expenses on our returns only for the
>> accountant to credit them out because fines cannot be tax deductable -
>> however were it to be successfully argued that these costs are a
>> useful revenue stream (for the recipient) then we have grounds to
>> insist they are seen as such on our tax returns.
> Interesting. Not meaning to be a goody-two-shoes, and not living in a
> City
Glasgow isn't a city?
> ...I don't get parking fines!
Parking is probably my second largest expense on cabling jobs (without the
fines) - certainly in the top 5.
There are tradesmen (painters, electricians etc.) that live near me that
won't consider work in 'London'. I take a more pragmatic view and simply
add £100 per estimated day - seems to cover travel and parking ok.
> The inland revenue would probably say that if it's a necessary expense
> required to conduct your business, then it's an allowable expense. I
> suppose you could make an argunebt that it is,
Fines (whatever that actually means) are specifically excluded by
legislation. The question is are they really 'fines' or simply another
stealth tax. One for the barristers.
William Tasso
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