Posted by Benjamin Esham on 08/03/06 21:07
Steve Poe wrote:
> I have a form which present a select list of animals (from a database
> query) which belong to a client. I can see the animal names in memory and
> the client account number. When I select the appropriate animal from the
> list, I see the selected animal name ("spot") but everything else in
> memory I need (client account number) has disappeared. I've heard this is
> normal.
> I've tried storing the client account number is a session
> ($_SESSION['account_number"] before the submit, and I can see it, but this
> value too seems to be eliminated once the form is submitted.
The "normal" way to do this, AFAIK, is to use hidden form values:
<form ...>
<input type="hidden" name="account_number" value="12345" />
<!-- all of your normal form stuff goes here -->
Then your $_POST will include a value for account_number.
Benjamin D. Esham
bdesham@gmail.com | AIM: bdesham128 | Jabber: same as e-mail
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