Posted by Stan McCann on 08/04/06 17:26
Mark Parnell <webmaster@clarkecomputers.com.au> wrote in
> Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, Stan McCann
> <me@stanmccann.us> declared in alt.html,alt.www.webmaster:
>> I don't browse with scripting enabled and I rarely get
>> viruses or spyware.
> I browse with scripting enabled and I rarely get viruses or spyware.
> I just don't use IE. :-)
Maybe I'll try relaxing my rules a bit. The only times I ever even
open IE anymore is to see that my sites look reasonably similar to the
look with other browsers.
Stan McCann, RETIRED!!, "Uncle Pirate" http://stanmccann.us/
Implementing negative score for googlegroup postings, see
http://blinkynet.net/comp/uip5.html A zest for living must include a
willingness to die. - R.A. Heinlein
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