Posted by WhiteJediGuy on 06/08/05 02:56
That is pretty cool, It will really help on later sites. I have been to
flash forums, but I figured that at least a couple of people who know php
would know flash as well. My assumation of the situation. Thanks again.
"Daedalus.OS" <arsenault.daniel@gmail.com> wrote in message
> [NOTICE: It's a pretty long post]
> Basically LoadVars can achieve the same things as getURL in your case, but
> as you might notice getURL is far more simple than LoadVars. It's perfect
> when you're want to use GET method, you have few variables to send, and
> you want it to link to URL (not execute the script behind the scene). On
> the other hand LoadVars can accomplish more than getURL. Lets see how
> LoadVars works.
> LoadVars is an ActionScript Class for data transfert between a flash
> application and a server (via a php script for exemple).
> var objName:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
> This create a LoadVars object named objName. This object now contains the
> methods, handlers and properties defined in the class.
> objName.field1 = "first";
> objName.field2 = "second";
> These 2 lines declares two custom properties. These properties we add are
> in fact the key/value pair flash will be sending to the server. In this
> case flash will build something like this: field1=first&field2=second.
> Basicaly the name of the property is the key and the content of the
> property is the value.
> Now we can send, Load or both send and load data from a server.
> objName.send('http://www.domain.com/script.php');
> This one will only send the data (with post method by default I think),
> discarding the result. So this is done by the flash application and unless
> you specify otherwise, the viewer doesn't even know that it's done.
> Anyway you can use it to achieve the same result as a getURL by specifying
> some optional parameters:
> objName.send('http://www.domain.com/script.php', '_self','GET' );
> Now we're specifying to use GET method and since we precise a target
> window in wich to send the result (_self=replace the current window), it
> will be no more transparent and will act the same way as getURL would do.
> But LoadVars have more features. First as I already said, it can
> transparently execute a script on a server. (increment an invisible
> counter for exemple). But it can also retrieve data from a script or both
> send and receive at the same time.
> objName.load('http://www.domain.com/price_list.php');
> or
> objOut:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
> objIn:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
> objOut1.productID = "5332004";
> objOut.sendAndLoad('http://www.domain.com/product_list.php', objIn,
> 'GET');
> Basically it send the the data of objOut to
> 'http://www.domain.com/product_list.php' as GET, and take the result back
> in objIn. The result should be a a url-like string, for exemple:
> productID=5332004&price=99.99&description=Pretty funny
> These key/value pair will then be available in flash as properties of the
> objIn object.
> That's it. For more information I suggest you post on a flash newsgroup:
> macromedia.flash and/or macromedia.flash.actionscript
> Dae
> "WhiteJediGuy" <Blader18x2005@cox.net> wrote in message
> news:cdnpe.3328$7s.537@fed1read01...
>> If you want to explain what it is, I would be much appreciative. As much
>> as I can learn, the better. Thanks Greatly!
>> I yet to still test out the code given last.. Thanks again though..
>>>> would the format be something like this?
>>>> var q:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
>>>> q.search = search;
>>>> q.send('http://catalog.playersmusic.com/catalog/search.php');
>>>> Thanks again. Hope I didnt put too much this time!
>>> No it wouldn't. I can explain it if want (even if it's not what you
>>> need).
>>> Dae
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