Posted by Eric Rechter on 08/04/06 11:30
> Hi,
> I only want to display the provider name from a hostname, so I need to
> divide the string to take only de characters from after the before last
> dot.
> For example:
> dsl-083-247-088-130.solcon.nl -> I only wanna display "solcon.nl"
> adsl-dc-4d454.adsl.wanadoo.nl -> I only wanna display "wanadoo.nl"
> I tried with "substr()", but than you have to know the exact positions,
> and that's different in a hostname.
> Anybody knows if this possible?
> kind regards,
> Eric
i found this solution:
$host = "dsl-083-247-088-130.solcon.nl";
$char = 2;
$_count_dot = 0;
while ($count_dot != 2){
$dot = substr($host, -$char, 1);
if ($dot == "."){
echo substr($host, -$char+1);
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