Posted by Alkimake on 08/04/06 11:54
here is the code that i am using for recursion to view the tree of my
database records.
$i =0;
function recurs($ownerid) {
global $i;
$sqlOne="SELECT * FROM sub_cat WHERE oID=".$ownerid;
$queryOne = mysql_query($sqlOne);
if (mysql_num_rows($queryOne)) {
do {
$sqlTwo="SELECT * FROM sub_cat WHERE
$queryTwo = mysql_query($sqlTwo);
if (mysql_num_rows($queryTwo)) {
echo $i.".".mysql_result($queryOne,$k,"sName")."<br />";
} else {
echo $i.".".mysql_result($queryOne,$k,"sName")."<br />";
return false;
} while ($k = mysql_num_rows($queryOne));
} else {
return false;
this code works but with a little problem.
As you see i have a db table that uses normal id as "sID" and owner id
as "oID". One of records sID can be oID of the other records. It is so
easy if i can explain with my poor english :)
So the function starts to render and prints the first levels first
record. Than looks if the record has a child with $queryTwo. if it has
calls the function again with a new $ownerid.
when the control structure do...while finishes the process of first
record of first level, than it passes $k=1, so the second record. but
when it tries to process second record i can see $querOne is changed
and becomes the last level of the first record. (It is sooo hard to
tell :) ) so it exports something like this.
(l) = level
(r) = record
(l)0r(0) = OK
(l)1r(0) = OK // there is just one record
(l)2r(0) = OK // there is just one record too.
(l)1r(0) = FAIL // it says unable to jump row 1 of queryOne -> because
$queryOne is change.
As you see the main problem i can not use the query as a local or
private object in the function. Everytime i call the function $queryOne
changes globally.
Any suggestions,
If you have better idea to create tree view of my records than the
recursion, i am open to hear it. Thanks.
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