Posted by WhiteJediGuy on 06/08/05 04:48
I have for the actionscript on go_btn:
go_btn.onClick = function()[
For some reason though it does not work. If I put quotes around +search.text
it puts a search in for search but not what the person typed. Such as
Also, for some odd reason, it is replacing, "Search Here" in the input box
with level0 stuff.
And I thought "GET" was suppose to be somewhere in the syntax.. Thanks
> If i'm right, forget about the LoadVars, it's not what you want.
> (I'll pretend you called your go button go_btn):
> go_btn.onClick = function(){
> // You can add some sort of form validation code here
> getURL('http://catalog.playersmusic.com/catalog/search.php?q='+search.text,
> _self);
> }
> This would bring your visitors to search.php?q=(what was in the flash
> input box)
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