Posted by awebguynow on 08/04/06 17:13
I've solved the categorization issue; seems to have stemmed from not
having proper page-level DocBlock, and following DocBlock assoc with
I've eliminated all the warnings and now files and classes are in
proper package-subPkg.
Still having problems getting the Fxs documented. So allow me to
Is Win CLI a valid way to run this ? (note versions, from prev. post)
The only Fx that did appear in RH frame of documentation, had DocBlock
with only tags.
Most of my Fxs have DocBlock with short desc, long desc, and tags
Is there a specific format that I should adhere to ?
Can the long desc have a blank line in the middle of it ? ( *
prepended, of course )
Can the @tags start on the lines immediately following ?
I notice heredoc assignments in my php file, will that throw things
off ?
Do functions require @package tags ?
Does phpdoc require type hints ?
I got some strange, inaccurate Doc's from the 1 that did get detailed
in the Doc.
~~~~~~~ Doc Output ~~~~~~~~
getCurrImplDate (line 27)
return: ImpliedYear
int getCurrImplDate ( $mo, int $mo )
int $mo
~~~~~~~ Code Reads ~~~~~~~~
* @param int $mo
* @return int ImpliedYear
function getCurrImplDate($mo) { .... }
~~~~~~~ End of Example ~~~~~~~~
Any help appreciated;
I'm looking forward to a resolution and successfully using phpDoc as a
great tool.
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