Posted by Lesley Blakey on 08/04/06 19:59
Hi Andy
Thanks for your advice, really appreciate the time everyone has taken to
have a look at the site and give their comments. As you can no doubt I'm
fairly new to web design. However trying to do the best I can within my
capabilities using Dreamweaver as this is all I know and even then I only
know the basics !
I wish I could use CSS only rather than the mix of tables and CSS but my
lack of knowledge does not allow me to. I wish I knew how, but hopefully I
will learn and in the future will be able to recify this.
Thanks for the links to the CSS websites. I will have a good browse around
not that I'll probably make much sense of it.
Don;t really know the difference between Xhtml and html 4.01, so not sure
how I would change what I already have done. Just using DW.
Regardless of all my other issues the one thing I really want to know how to
do is to put my "got to top" and my "bottom menu bar" in a footer as such,
so no matter how long the the content of the "maincontent box" is, the "go
to top" and "bottom menu bar" follow on say 10 px after. Hope that makes
sense. Have put extended text in the main content box to show you what I
"Andy Dingley" <dingbat@codesmiths.com> wrote in message
> Lesley Blakey wrote:
>> I am putting together a web site that will prodominantley use CSS rather
>> than tables.
> So use CSS then, rather than the number of superfluous tables you're
> still using.
> Using DreamWeaver has probably been the culprit here. It's not a good
> choice for good quality web design.
>> Most of the page design works well and everything is in place.
> I certainly wouldn't say "works well". IMHO it's ugly, works badly, and
> probably took more effort to achieve than doing it right. Find a good
> CSS-based example site and borrow that (try glish.com, bluerobot,
> alistapart and many others)
> > The central main content block has a defined height and when the
> content of
>> the block exceeds the defined height the content flows as expected.
> There's no content in your test page, so it's impossible to judge this.
> Put some lorem ipsum in there, then see how it behaves.
>> I am using four different style sheets for the different text sizes
> That's a terrible idea, stop it right now.
> Use one style sheet, use em-based font sizing and let users manage
> their own default text sixes. "Text only" stylesheets are a bogosity
> too.
> Also these font links do something funny to my Back button, which is an
> annoyance.
> You're also using (and mis-using) XHTML, so go back to HTML 4.01 Strict
> (or else find a good reason to use XHTML, and learn to do it right).
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