Posted by David Dorward on 08/05/06 00:13
leeana1@gmail.com wrote:
Please don't top post.
> Yes, I was threatened on an Ebay board several times, and am filing a
> restraining order on the person who lives locally. He is saying that I
> am changing the pages to say what I want them to say. I need to be able
> to prove that they are untampered with for the courts.
> How would I retrieve it over HTTPS?
You stick https on the front of the URL instead of http ... and the website
must provide an HTTPS server - but that won't help you. All that can prove
is that the data didn't get tampered with between their server and your
client. Not that it didn't get tampered with by you afterwards.
> Thanks, I'm going to your link to read up but any help you can provide
> would be greatly appreciated!
The software mentioned there might help, but you should get the advice of a
lawyer with experience in the area.
David Dorward <http://blog.dorward.me.uk/> <http://dorward.me.uk/>
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