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Re: Case sensitivity in programming languages.

Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/05/06 14:19

Miguel Cruz wrote:
> "Tony Marston" <> wrote:
>>"Miguel Cruz" <> wrote in message
>>>In colloquial English today capital letters can encode all sorts of
>>>meaning. All-caps is used for emphasis.
>>Exactly. Different case can cange the emphasis, but not the meaning. "box",
>>"Box" and "BOX" still has the same meaning whichever case is used.
> You trimmed off the sentence which provided a counterexample, and then
> replied as if that sentence didn't exist. Enjoy your childish word
> games; I'll not waste any further time.
> miguel


Yes, he's good at twisting words and ignoring valid arguments which
counter his ideas, isn't he?

Just another troll. And an even more stoopid one than usual, at that.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.



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