Posted by Keith Cochrane on 08/06/06 06:57
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> Keith Cochrane <keith__cochrane@hotmail.com> scripsit:
> > I tried finding contact info for
> > suggestions on the w3.org website without any luck, so here it is.
> In fact, there is information at w3.org about participation to the HTML
> development work, and posting to a newsgroup (even outside the Big 8!) will
> hardly draw the Consortium's attention. Seriously, if you cannot find their
> relevant information at their site, they will hardly take your suggestions
> seriously even if they by accident read them.
Those were just some thoughts I had on the subject and because I really
don't have alot of spare time to spend on this, I thought I'd do my
post and see if anyone else who finds those functions useful, wished to
run with the idea.
> > Lastly, I'd like to see Google get the ability to do proximity
> > searches.
> Well, that's not W3C business. You might submit your suggestions to Google,
> but don't expect any anwser.
Actually I did submit the idea to Google, but that was over a year ago
and while I did find they temporarily added the feature, it just as
quickly disappeared as an available function.
Thanks for your time!
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