Posted by Rory Browne on 06/08/05 03:28
Sort of. There are two ways to do this(that I can think of, and
neither of them are too reliable. Consider this: how would you like if
any random website, could run any program they liked on your computer?
This could range from word/excel, to less amicable programs like ones
that control your speakers/microphone, etc.
Having that said, you can use nsiProcess(in netscape/gecko based
browsers.), or wsh for MSIE. I'm not sure exactly how to do this. I
just remember reading some code that needed this. On
netscape/mozilla/gecko you'll have to tell the script to override the
security preventing this(the user will be shown a dialog box, asking
them to confirm this). I'm not sure what the situation is with MSIE,
but expect to encounter some security issues.
I don't know any examples for nsIProcess off-hand, but you can check
out the PHUI Code for an example on doing this on MSIE.
On 6/7/05, Mauricio Pellegrini <hrrg-inf@speedy.com.ar> wrote:
> Hi, sorry if what I am asking makes no sense, but here it goes..
> Some one has asked me to set a web page from within wich users could
> launch local applications. Those applications are allready installed in
> the client PC.
> The link on the web page would act as a simple link to start the
> application.
> This page would be something that resembles the windows desktop with all
> its links on it.
> My question is would it be possible to start in example word or excel
> from a link in a web page?
> Thanks for your answers
> Mauricio
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