Posted by Shelly on 08/06/06 21:15
"Rik" <luiheidsgoeroe@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Shelly wrote:
>> "s a n j a y" <sanjay.debian@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:NaCdnUAhAvWsg0vZnZ2dnUVZ_qydnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>> 7h@ch wrote:
>>>> Sorry if I sounds like a noob (because I am one, here). I ran across
>>>> this earlier, and it kept bugging me. I guess someone here know a
>>>> good answer.
>>>> To summerize, I was using array within a class. After some
>>>> manipulation, the value of the array's element that I needed wasn't
>>>> "echoed" right.
>>>> For instance,
>>>> class FootballClub
>>>> {
>>>> public $name;
>>>> public $stadium = "junkyard";
>>>> public $roster = array("gk"=>"clown", "st"=>"fool");
>>>> public $coach;
>>>> }
>>>> $myclub = new FootballClub();
>>>> $myclub->name = "Liverpool";
>>>> if ($myclub->name == "Liverpool")
>>>> {
>>>> $myclub->stadium = "Anfield";
>>>> $myclub->coach = "Rafa Benitez";
>>>> $myclub->roster["gk"] = "Pepe Reina";
>>>> $myclub->roster["st"] = "Robbie Fowler";
>>>> }
>>>> $myplayer = $myclub->roster[gk];
>>>> echo "your team plays at: $myclub->stadium<br>";
>>>> echo "your goal keeper is: $myclub->roster[gk]<br>");
>>>> ---------
>>>> Problem:
>>>> As is, the 2nd line output is: "your goal keeper is: Array[gk]"
>>>> thought $myplayer gets the right value.
>>>> Any plausible explaination, please?
>>>> Thanks.
>>> Although not strictly necessary in php, always put your variables
>>> outside of quotes. This came to me easily as I was developing in c
>>> and C++ before I moved on to PHP.
>> Hmm. I looke at someone else's answer of putting braces in. I
>> thought to myself, "Great, I just learned something by reading this
>> newgroup. Store it away". When I saw your response I thought to
>> myself "Why hadn't I come across this problem before, myself?".
>> Well, your answer showed me why. I would have written it as:
>> echo "your goal keeper is:" . $myclub->roster['gk'] . "<br>";
>> and never have had that difficulty. My background in C and java
>> developed that same habit in me.
> It could be done like that, for sure (allthough I'd use single quotes for
> text without variables & newlines). When outputting HTML tags however, it
> can become a complete quote-fest, that I'd rather avoid to improve
> legibility. Heredoc & curly often come to the rescue, allthough certainly
> for numberformatting, but also for strings, (s/v)printf() is certainly an
> outcome.
Sometimes I use single and sometimes double if there is no necessity to
choose between them. See below.
> Consider:
> array product{
> [id] =>.....
> [name] =>...
> [decription] => ...
> [image_src] => ...
> .....
> }
> Concating way:
> echo '
> <h2>'.$product['id'].':'.$product['name'].'</h2>
> <p>
> <a href="./products/?id='.$product['id'].'"><img
> src="'.$product['image_src'].'" /></a>
> '.$product['decscription'].'
> let\'s say way have to use singel quote\'s here... escaping?
> Read more about <a
> href="./products/?id='.$product['id'].'">'.$product['name'].'</a>
> </p>';
Here I would do the preceding without needing escapes:
echo ' <h2>' . $product['id'] . ':' .$product['name'] .
'</h2><p><a href="./products/?id=' . $product['id'] . '" ><img src="' .
$product['image_src'] . '" /></a>' . $product['decscription'] .
"let's say way have to use single quote's here... escaping?Read more
about <a " .
'href="/products/?id=' . $product['id'] . '">' . $product['name'] .
Putting in spaces between the concatonation dots greatly improves
legibility. Also, not needing the extra escape character (when it can be
avoided) also does that.
> Double quotes, curly:
> echo "
> <h2>{$product['id']}:{$product['name']}</h2>
> <p>
> <a href=\"./products/?id={$product['id']}\"><img
> src=\"{$product['image_src']}\" /></a>
> {$product['decscription']}
> let's say way have to use singel quote's here... escaping?
> Read more about <a
> href=\"./products/?id={$product['id']}\">{$product['name']}</a>
> </p>';
> Heredoc, curly
> echo <<<HTML
> <h2>{$product['id']}:{$product['name']}</h2>
> <p>
> <a href="./products/?id={$product['id']}"><img
> src="{$product['image_src']}" /></a>
> {$product['decscription']}
> let's say way have to use singel quote's here... escaping?
> Read more about <a
> href="./products/?id={$product['id']}">{$product['name']}</a>
> </p>
> Printf possibility:
> vprintf(<<<HTML
> <h2>%1$03d:%2$s</h2>
> <p>
> <a href="./products/?id=%1$d"><img src="%4$s" /></a>
> %3$s
> let's say way have to use single quote's here... escaping?
> Read more about <a href="./products/?id=%1$d">%2$s</a>
> </p>
> , $products);
> The latter one might come in handywhen outputting a list from an array
> (allthough the code isn't really charming):
> $list = array('page 1','page 2','page 3'....
> vprintf(str_repeat("\n<li>%s</li>", count($list)),$list);
> It's all about legibility, what you're actually doing, wether it has to be
> easily maintained and wether it's a repeating output.
I agree with this last statement 100%. That is why I always put in a spaces
where possible and end the first line with the concatonation dot to and
start the second line in the right indent position.
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