Posted by Brian Mays on 08/07/06 13:49
Travis Newbury wrote:
> Brian Mays wrote:
>>> Flash developer wanabe
>> Look into SWFObject. I think it has a detection script that will accept
>> the version your require and above. So if I set it to require version
>> 7, it will accept everything 7 and above.
> You are wasting your fingers typing. First, Hatter never takes any
> advice from anyone, he thinks he is the expert's expert.
It is ok. It isn't necessarily for Hatter's benefit, but for the others
who are looking for a solution with little hassle.
SWFObject is actually a very nice solution. I'm able to easily put in
alternate content, whether it be a gif or an entire chunk of HTML. It
relies on a few lines of code on the page, and an external.js file.
Check it out. It also gets around the IE/ActiveX problems related to a
patent lawsuit loss.
I think I'll post it outside this thread as well, to make it a bit more
user friendly for casual browsers.
Brian Mays
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