Posted by Miguel Cruz on 08/08/06 16:14
sae@worf.netins.net (Scott Evans) wrote:
> In doing further research, I see that the site is being hosted on a
> windows server, and that the php appears to have a bunch of functions
> disabled, when I run phpinfo. One of the many that are disabled is
> mail, so I'm kind of stuck. Is there any sort of workaround to this,
> where the mail function is disabled, but I'd still be able to send
> email from a form?
> For reference, here are the functions that are disabled:
> getmyinode, getopt, getrusage, extension_loaded, dl, mysql_pconnect,
> crack_check, crack_closedict, crack_getlastmessage, crack_opendict,
> fsockopen, pfsockopen, mysql_list_dbs, mysql_stat, ini_get, ini_get_all,
> ini_alter, ini_set, get_current_user, get_defined_constants,
> get_include_path, php_ini_scanned_files, php_uname, phpcredits,
> restore_include_path, set_include_path, set_time_limit, version_compare,
> zend_version, getmypid, getmyuid, getmygid, assert_options, assert, fopen,
> fwrite, fread, file, fpassthru, file, mail, opendir, readdir, closedir
Can you use system() to run blat.exe (google for it)?
Also, odd (but irrelevant) that you can't fread() but you can
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