Posted by Kalogiannis Vassilis on 06/08/05 19:13
nemo wrote:
> [snip]
> >> Don't forget I am in the very begining of learning PHP (and I use
> >> Dreamweaver as editor)
> >
> >As Adam suggested, stick to the text view. Or get a syntax-highlighting text
> >editor and get away from Dreamweaver entirely - it will only complicate the
> >learning process.
> >
> >
> For what it's worth...! - I don't have Dreamweaver, can't afford it, I do
> everything by hand in HotDog, which highlights the text and commands and
> tags and stuff. I've been using it for some eight years now. They have a
> demo version available at http://www.sausagetools.com/products.html It's
> pricey and, as the version I have (v6) does everything I think I need right
> now) I don't think I'll be upgrading, but I have to admit that it is a
> pretty powerful tool. A near competitor is html-kit, free at
> www.chami.com/html-kit/ and then there's the free Nvu at
> http://www.nvu.com/ which seems to be having functionality added to it all
> the time.
> For quick text alterations I use EditPad - there's a free version available
> at http://www.editpadpro.com/editpadlite.html
> Vasilis - I've sent you e-mail to kalogiannisv@tellas.gr
> .
Thanks for everything
I will take a look at the code you send me as far as I can follow it :)
PS I use Dreamweaver at office. I will get HotDog for home use (I can
not afford DW too )
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