Posted by Ivan Marsh on 08/10/06 17:57
On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:34:52 -0700, augustf wrote:
> An old pet peeve of mine with *nix has reared its ugly head - the total
> lack of uninstall on compiled apps. After compiling php4 on debian, I've
> had some problems and would like to completely remove it. Make uninstall
> doesn't work, and I can't just go around removing the files as the
> various db's (locate, whereis, etc) won't be updates - and should I
> install a packaged version, it would be a disaster. Any suggestions?
Delete the directory php was installed into.
Run updatedb to update your locate database.
I believe whereis simply checks for the file in the path and doesn't use a
Install a package version of php.
Check your apache config files to make sure they're pointing to the
correct installation of php.
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