Posted by mpar612 on 08/09/06 12:39
Jonathan wrote:
> mpar612 wrote:
> > // Connect to the database
> > $db =
> >
> DB::connect('mysql://xxxxxxx:xxxxxxx@');
> One advice: Usenet is archived and your password will be visible for
> years on end, never post you actual connection string including
> passwords! It is even better not to hardcode them, especially not in the
> script file itself.
> I'm not claiming that it is the only and the best solution but I usually
> use an include file for the parameters and place this include file in a
> directory that is only readable to the web server daemon. You can reuse
> this include file every time you need it so you only have to configure
> the connection once and also have to change parameters in one file only.
> In your include file you could define your dsn:
> $dsn = 'mysql://someuser:apasswd@hostname/thedb'
> or more readable:
> $dsn = array(
> 'phptype' => 'mysql',
> 'username' => 'someuser',
> 'password' => 'apasswd',
> 'hostspec' => 'hostname',
> 'database' => 'thedb',
> );
> Connecting would than easily be:
> $db =& DB::connect($dsn);
> Last advice... the PEAR/DB package is no longer maintained and is
> superseded by PEAR/MDB2. It depends on your way of coding, but it is
> quite easy to modify your code to use MDB2 instead of DB. Documentation
> for MDB2: http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.database.mdb2.php
> (Although it is still not complete: http://pooteeweet.org/blog/336)
> For more info on migrating: http://www.phpied.com/db-2-mdb2/
> Good luck,
> Jonathan
Thanks for the tips. I totally screwed up the login info. I meant to
sanitize, but realized that I didn't immediately after I clicked on
"Post Message". I tried to delete it, but that didn't work.
Thanks again, I appreciate it!
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