Posted by Jochem Maas on 06/08/05 17:50
Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On 6/8/05, list_fernando@dtcom.com.br <list_fernando@dtcom.com.br> wrote:
>>Quoting Dotan Cohen <dotancohen@gmail.com>:
>>$string="I have xxxxxxxx apples!";
>>$string=preg_replace("/x+/sim","x", $string);
>>print "$string";
>>hope it helps..
>>>Now, I know that this is easy, but I am embarassed to say that I can't
>>>find a regex tutorial that will show me how to match any occurances of
>>>x and replace them with one x:
>>>xxxxx >x
>>>xx > x
>>>x > x
>>>$string="I have xxxxxxxx apples!";
>>>$string=preg_replace("-regex here-","x", $string);
>>>print "$string";
>>>I have x apples!
>>>I searched marc because I know that I've seen this, but I don't know
>>>on what keywords to search. I know that php uses perl-compatable
>>>regular expressions, but in no tutorial did I find this. I know that *
>>>matches any amount of occurances of a string, but formulating it to do
>>>it in the middle of a string of text I could not get.
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> Thanks, that did it. I did not know about the +. And what is the 'sim'
its not one thing but 3 things, everything that comes after a
regexp closing marker (but inside the string) is treated as a regexp modifier,
in this case the modifiers are:
modifer - meaning
read more here: http://nl3.php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.modifiers.php
> doing? I can't find any information on that.
> Dotan
> http://lyricslist.com/lyrics/artist_albums/64/beatles.php
> Beatles Lyrics
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