Posted by Shelly on 08/11/06 03:00
> Tony Marston wrote:
>> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>> news:zoGdnTyimMPRUETZnZ2dnUVZ_q6dnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>>Tony Marston wrote:
>>>>"Mark A. Boyd" <mblist@sanDotrr.com.invalid> wrote in message
>> <snip>
>>>>Do you support the idea that the ability to create different functions
>>>>with the *same spelling* but *different case* is a good thing? Can you
>>>>point to any online resources which support this idea?
>>>No one in this thread has suggested doing this.
>> Wrong! Both you and Shelley have repeatedly stated that you would make
>> use of the ability to create different functions with the same spelling
>> but different case. If you are now saying that you would never make use
>> of that ability then why are we arguiing? You are now aying that you
>> would never do that, and all I am saying is that NO ONLY would I never do
>> that BUT ALSO the ability to do such a stupid thing should be removed
>> from the language.
>> All you are doing is arguing about removiing a feature from the language
>> which you say you don't use.
> Nope, neither Shelley nor I ever stated we would do that. I'd like to see
> you point to a message otherwise. But you can't - because you can't even
> tell your own posts from someone else's, stoopid Tony.
1 - Actually, both of us said we would do that (rarely) if they were for
different scopes (local vs global) and if that were the convention.
Personally, I have never done this yet.
2 - His bringing this up is a straw man. Don't address his diversion. We
said it is not normal practice and we follow good conventions. It is
allowed, and if the convention called for different case for different
scopes that is what we would do. This became that we advocate doing it.
3 - Why are you wasting you time with this guy? He distorts statements,
selectively edits and emphasis only what is beneficial to his arguments.
Case in point he says now that I insulted him first. Of course that is a
baldfaced lie. But as Hitler orten said, tell a lie often enough and people
will start to believe you. The reason I withdrew from answering him is
because he insulted me twice while all I did was talk to the issues. (I
insulted him after that). I advise you to do the same and let him bask
alone in his own ill-mannered, obsolete ignorance.
BTW, it is "Shelly" (short for Sheldon).
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