Posted by Trent on 08/11/06 17:59
Hello all.
I would be gratefull for some guidance.
I have been using php on a unix server no problems.
Now i am working on a windows 200 server and i cannot
get mail() to work
I have tried all king s of script from around the web no luk.
I have written a very basic mail script to test and even this does not
work any help would be gratefully received.
even this basic script will not work
$to = 'me@mydomain.com';
$subject = 'hello world';
$message = 'hello world';
// Send
mail($to, $subject, $message);
print "";
print "";
print "";
print "";
print "<br>";
print "<font size=\"-2\" face=\"Arial,
// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL
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