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Re: question about horizontal scrollbar in frames

Posted by rwap on 08/11/06 19:18

Michael Weis wrote:
> Hi,
> dorayme wrote:
> > Give us a url to demonstrate what you say when you have
> > scrollbar="yes", it does not happen like you say on my copy of
> > Mac IE , nor Safari, nor - and I bet quids this is the same on
> > Windows for the following - Firefox. If you have things right,
> > for scrollbars="yes", it behaves beautifully.
> Here they are:
> they act exactly as I described
> the "auto" value would be exact what I want - if MS IE wouldn't show this
> horizontal scrollbar.
> Regards,
> Michael

Well there is some good news in that IE v7 (beta 3), the "auto" value
only gives the vertical scroll bar as per Opera v9 and Firefox, so I
would stick with auto for the time being.

I did verify that "yes" gives the greyed out horizontal scrollbar on
Opera and Firefox here.




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