Posted by Leszek on 08/11/06 18:32
I've written a litle script that should count how many users visited the
site each day.
The problem is that now i can see over hundred different ip number in
database but on the web site of the counter (istats5)
i that the site was visited only 55 times today. Can anyone tell me why does
this happen? Do you think that the script doesn't work properly? Or maybe
its a case of a few users is visiting the site at the same time?
This is the script (each ip counts only once a day and the data from
database is deleted after midnight)
$zapytanie15="SELECT numer_ip, kiedy,id FROM statystyka";
if (($ip==$wiersz15[0])&&($data==$wiersz15[1])){
FROM statystyka WHERE id='".$wiersz15[2]."'";
echo "<script language=\"javascript\">
var ipath='www.szachy.biz/istats5'
document.write('<SCR' + 'IPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"
SRC=\"http://'+ ipath +'/istats.js\"><\/SCR' + 'IPT>');
$zapytanie16="INSERT INTO statystyka (numer_ip, kiedy) VALUES
Thanks. Leszek
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