Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 11/26/33 11:55
Harlan Messinger <hmessinger.removethis@comcast.net> scripsit:
> Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
- -
>> However, the font-size of <h6> is very little and perhaps difficult
>> to read.
> So adjust your browser to increase the text size.
Although I normally ignore both Luigi Asero's messages and responses to
them, this seems to be a case where a correction is needed. It is not
constructive to suggest that an author increases his browser's font size to
make <h6> elements large enough, when the _problem_ is that <h6> elements'
font size is smaller than the basic font size, by browser defaults.
Whether Luigi Asero, or someone else, really _needs_ heading levels down to
the 6th level is a different question. It's a rare situation, but there
_are_ cases where you need them, typically in fairly large documents (which
should perhaps also exist as split-up versions where the problem does not
arise, but I digress).
If you use <h6>, the sensible thing is - as "dorayme" suggested, if I read
his or her somewhat implicit message correctly - to set
h6 { font-size: 100%; }
together with font-size settings for other heading levels in a manner that
matches this setting. Normally the sizes should grow at least by 10% when
going to a higher level, but perhaps you can play by using other features
too, e.g. setting font-weight: normal for h6 and font-weight: bold for h5,
in which case both h5 and h6 could have font-size: 100% since the bolding
makes a difference.
Authors should usually consider setting top and bottom margins for heading
elements, since the common defaults are typographically wrong: they have
equal margin above and below, but the top margin should be larger than the
bottom margin. You need to pay attention to the fact that the first element
after a heading (typically <p>) may have a top margin too (<p> has, by
common defaults), so it may need some styling to make the net margins OK.
When setting the margins, you should normally use the em unit, and this
means you should try to remember that em means the font size of the element
itself. Thus, if you set
h1 { font-size: 200%; margin: 1em 0 2em 0; }
you would make the margins rather huge, since here 1em means the font size
of the <h1> element, i.e. twice the font size of copy text.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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