Posted by DefamationOuter on 11/21/63 11:55
Gary L. Burnore aka http://archives.mfn.org wrote:
> On 11 Aug 2006 08:13:12 -0700, Richard Scoville, posting from yet
> another throw-away account because he's lost so many
> DefamationOuter@aol.com wrote:
> >
> >David Cary Hart
> Owns you. Come on, Scoville, when are you coming to NY?
The credibility of "David Cary Hart" and his gang of criminals
perverts, vermin, etc., i.e., http://tinyurl.com/nupwl Now, FSS has
found no reliable admin that utilizes this PUNK's lists because of the
FACTS below and the fact that he added FSS to his list for reporting
him for abuse (commercial postings, libel, defamation, cyber stalking,
harassment, filth, etc.). A true professional...
(1) Brian Bruns Convicted Felon and another dishonest blacklist
(2) Darrell A. Larose, Canadian DEVIANT
(http://tinyurl.com/gg76y) more here http://tinyurl.com/j628w
(3) Marc Wigle, another Cited Canadian Sexual Deviant...
(4) And of course the CONVICTED PERVERT. The proper North Carolina
authorities, media, etc. are well aware of this CONVICTED CHILD
MOLESTER, but yet he tries to obfuscate by claiming he is in New York!
If he were, hide the kids and the authorities would be pro-active on
this SLIME! More below..
This is where this PUNK resides...
Address as of June 2004... http://tinyurl.com/munxq
Phone No.: 704-578-5577
His access is through RR residential service using Dynamic IP
addresses. In his most recent access IP Having
problems with this PERVERT, then report him to Roadrunner and the folks
update 8/11/06...
Here is all you need to know about this SLIME & where to report him...
http://tinyurl.com/plz3x http://tinyurl.com/kxdw2
http://tinyurl.com/nupwl http://tinyurl.com/rqnb6
http://tinyurl.com/g59w7 224 http://tinyurl.com/munxq ARMOUR Russ
Charles.Meeker@ci.raleigh.nc.us mayor davidson http://tinyurl.com/ph2od
STREET http://tinyurl.com/h7jkf Charles Meeker http://tinyurl.com/qd8ke
http://tinyurl.com/qkzb6 Joyce.Kekas@ci.raleigh.nc.us Joyce
Googlism.com At-Large Stephenson Russ.Stephenson@ci.raleigh.nc.us
Jessie.Taliaferro@ci.raleigh.nc.us council Craven Taliaferro
http://tinyurl.com/zy3n4 Kekas James.West@ci.raleigh.nc.usThomas
Thomas.Crowder@ci.raleigh.nc.us http://tinyurl.com/zvshj Tommy police
Deck-Brown member Jessie Cassandra James Captain Lynch
tfcraven@nc.rr.com West Moormanjack.moorman@ci.raleigh.nc.us Durham
districts cassandra.deck-brown@ci.raleigh.nc.us Crowder Donald
donald.overman@ci.raleigh.nc.us Philip alphonsa.white@ci.raleigh.nc.us
Wake http://tinyurl.com/etray Steven Michael Sheriff
Isleypisley@boyceisley.com Donnie donnie@donnieharrison.org White Grant
chalmers Ron Carolina Jack Bjurstrom John Hodge Labarge Mihaich County
Council North Overman John.Lynch@ci.raleigh.nc.us Lee ChristyJim Randy
Browning Al Isaacs Jesse Evans Ed Herring AllenEd B.J. Harrison elected
RussDelma officials Sarvis Larry Steve Balch Arnetta Allen Chris town
Ray Frederick Charlene Davidson commissioners Webster Burwell
ewebster@ci.davidson.nc.us bmcmillen@ci.davidson.nc.us
rkincaid@ci.davidson.nc.us Williams Cary Kincaid board Woods McMillen
Margo jwoods@ci.davidson.nc.us DIANE Evan BROWN Bruce Taylor CORA
CATOTTI COLE-MCFADDEN bill.bell@durhamnc.gov J. CLEMENT
eugene.brown@durhamnc.gov cjohnston@ci.davidson.nc.us bill HOWARD A.
MICHAEL Johnston mike.woodard@durhamnc.gov
cora.cole-mcfadden@durhamnc.gov diane.catotti@durhamnc.gov Lowry
WOODARD bell Paul howard.clement@durhamnc.gov THOMAS McClellan Searcy
RhodesShawn EUGENE Rodney Joe Stokes mwilliams@ci.davidson.nc.us David
Scott 75254 Padgett Ronnie Ivan Brian GentryD.
thomas.stith@durhamnc.gov http://tinyurl.com/zmnms Messer
http://tinyurl.com/gona8 Howie Brown STITH rape
http://tinyurl.com/rvdbv http://tinyurl.com/qg9bg Stephen Misenheimer
Line http://tinyurl.com/jynd6 Jeanne Ingram Road duke Poole case
hell-flame-wars.org Marsha Miller usenet-performance-art.org
Otaku@troll4fun.com national@nytimes.com Fink garllburnore.com/net/org
972-387-9059 DA gburnore.com/net/org Barney http://tinyurl.com/e7o4x
harry Nifong zoeburnore.com/net/org
FreeSpeechScrotum@FreeSpeechScrotum.C0M 4144629 service
hazlitt0557@charter.net 5811 Dallas DeSockpuppet recidivism
FreeSpeechScrotum metro@nytimes.com Terranson Belt wigle Obfuscate
alt.net order Texas rsheehan@newsobserver.com gnax.net
executive-editor@nytimes.com managing-editor@nytimes.com
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arin@shankland.org gary.forsee@mail.sprint.com lead leber
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Michaelapgar@speakeasy.net sean@petitmorte.net
lynnbrackpool@speakeasy.net citydesk@seattlepi.com hinkle dave punks
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Marketing worst dennis Monaghan Kittrie fraud records pjr
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SPRINTLINK Sales Ridley 222-2165 Director westhost.com WESTHO 164 Bevan
FLorida Vice WEST-DATACENTER.NET Lutz IP forgeries Erickson President admin@petitmorte.net Providence
arrest 800-699-2466 utah berickson@westhost.com offender
hostmaster@he.net No PETITMORTE.NET COMMUNICATIONS covad WestHost N
covad.com forgery TSB ISP (800) http://archives.mfn.org
gary Group Sodasiphon abuse@petitmorte.net Hurricane databasix.com
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Communications Deborah McChesney S. Covad M. Patrick history P. Morgan
McMorrow Hanley profanity netbasix Pat illegal Lockwood Kirkland
Helicopter Black Flinchum Newspapers nyulico@angnewspapers.com Division
Repair Bennett Hoffman Svcs mstafforini@angnewspapers.com
twincities@bizjournals.com Eric Brett MacLeslie Jonathan
angnewspapers.com InsideBayArea khulac@angnewspapers.com
dmorrill@angnewspapers.com Octanews.net Bill ipHouse minnesota Rau
Founders Abuse belindaFreeSpeechScrotum Snyder Lyon criminals scourge
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Infringement HAARP@saucer.central minneapolis postings Service
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