Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 10/11/90 11:55
"Sym" <> skrev i meddelandet
> Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> > Do you think that it is easier to navigate by having an horizontal or a
> > vertical list of links in the list of contents?
> I think upto say 5 items is ok vertically, otherwise a horizontal menu
> is nicer. Infact at the moment i prefer horizontal always, but then
> again tastes do change...
> Rgds
> Sym.
The problem is that it looks nicer horizontally but
it is easier for me to find different items when the list is vertical
(I have tested it for a while just on the page )
So, my question is whether the average user find it easier to navigate a
horizontal or a vertical list of contents
(I call menu the one on the left)
And what would you choose when an alternative makes the page more accessible
while the other let the page look better???
Luigi Donatello Asero
你叫什么 ?
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